Ralph Quesada is a young man who knows what he wants from life. He will persevere till he reaches the height of his expectancies. His previous unsuccessful attempt at passing the provincial driving exam hasn’t changed his short-term goal of obtaining a license before Christmas. Within the next few years he would like to enroll in a Mechanical Engineering program at university. His goal is to study hard and graduate with honours, enabling him to get a good job in the domain. At some further point in his life, he would like to move to the Osaka region of Japan and settle down in a house of his own in that little corner of industrial paradise. He hopes that his previous achievements such as, acquiring his learner’s permit, a well earned 98% average in English last year and the completion of a 16 hour First Aid class will help him reach the goals he has set for himself.
Ralph's varied interests include everything from mountain biking to computers without forgetting techno music and the latest drag racing car models. His main network consists of his family, his parents and older sister, as well as his closest friends, and of course his iPod! Quesada is a multitalented young adult who can mind read, bike for 70 kilometers straight, solve all your computer troubles, eat copious amounts of food without gaining weight and all the while be sociable.