Friday, September 18, 2009

Sentence Patterns


IC: independent clause-- subject + verb+ direct object
ex: CSL has 3200 students.
DC: dependant clause-- subject + verb -- incomlete idea
M: modifier

ex: CSL has many talented students.

PP: Prepositional phrase (no verb)
ex:CSL has 3200 talented students in many programs , which are very interesting.
(sub)(verb) (M) (PP) (RP) (DC)
IO: inderect object
SC: subordinating conjunction( while, because,after, until...)
CC: coordinating conjunction
RP: relative pronoun

CA: coordinating adverb ( however, hence, therefore, thus, moreover, neverthless, likewise, consequently, accordingly, furthermore...)
CC: coordinating conjunctions

Sentence pattern 1: IC ; IC

Hard work is only one side of the equation; talent is the other .

Some people dream of being something ; others stay awake and are.

Many people believe in karma ; others do not.

Ceaser, try on this toga; it seems to be your size.

Sentence pattern 1a : IC ; CA , IC.

The narrator in the story«The Tell Tale Heart,» claimed he was sane; however, he was really nuts.

Frank Stockton had a bad leg and could not run; therefore, he took up writting to compensate.

The narrotor thought the old man's eye was mean; nevertheless, it was all in his head.

Sentence pattern 1b: IC ; IC, CC IC

Poe was a great writer; he influenced many others, and he was immensly admired.

The princess was semi-barbaric; she was manipulative and cunning, but she could not her way.

Sentence pattern 2 : IC : IC

General statement to specific statement

Darwin's "Origin of species" sates a harsh truth : only the fittest survive.

The empty coffin in the crypt has a single horrifying meaning : Dracula had awoken to search for fresh blood.

The scout's return could only mean one thing : he was a spy.

Peyton's fate was decided : he was about to be hanged.

The story was quite ironic : Ambrose Bierce, a northern soldier, took a southern view.

Sentence pattern 3 : Using a series without a conjuntion ( A,B,C )

With passion, determination, purpose, Lincoln fought slavery.

Being a family man, being rich, being happy, he still gave up his life.

Being a slave owner, he beat his slaves, he whipped them, he starved them, without feeling remorse.

Peyton closed his eyes, thought of his wife, felt pain.

Sentence pattern 4 : An introductory series of appositives using a dash-- and summarizing subject ( these, those, each, all, suuch someone)

"The tell tale heart," " The Nightingale," "Hills Like White Elephants,"-- each of these has some form of internal or psychological conflict.

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